Circles Allies

 Transform the community: Become an Ally.

Allies are individuals committed to forming intentional and supportive relationships with a Circle Leader. Two Allies are matched to each Circle Leader, and Allies must be open to increasing their understanding of poverty so they can best encourage their Circle Leader. Together, they agree to an intentional friendship of support and mutual learning by attending weekly Tuesday night meetings. Circles Tuesday meetings include dinner, child care, and wonderful small and larger group sessions that help families journey to financial stability.

Allies commit to the 18-month length of a Circles Gainesville cohort just like Circle Leaders, and together they transform our community! We will prepare you to make this commitment through online training before you are matched with a Circle Leader. Those who apply to become Allies agree to participate in a six-week online preparation course that includes three group sessions.

Circles is operating in over 75 locations around the U.S. because it works!


Circles Monthly Meeting Cycle

Second Tuesday: Community Learning Night

A Community Learning Night is an evening where anyone in our Circles community is invited to participate in group learning about particular topics related to poverty. These nights might feature guest speakers, one of our Circles resource teams, or some other chance to develop our shared understanding.

First & Third Tuesday: Matched Circle Meeting

A Matched Meeting is when Circle Leaders meet with their allies for the majority of the time to focus on their goals, progress, and to get feedback and support.

Fourth Tuesday: Peer Support Meeting

A Peer Support Meeting is an evening where Circle Leaders have a meeting and in another location, allies have a meeting to support one another in their roles in Circles Gainesville. This meeting is the perfect time to ask for help in communication, to encourage, and to be creative together.

Steps to Becoming an Ally

  • Interview with Faith Mission staff

    Once you submit your interest form, a staff member from Faith Mission will contact you to set up a time to discuss program requirements, expectations, and benefits of participation in greater detail than what is listed here.

  • Submit the following documents:

    • Ally Training Agreement

    • Circles USA Volunteer Registration

    • Background Check

  • Complete the 6-week Ally Training Course

    • All work associated with each module must be completed and attendance at each of the three Ally Training Discussion Sessions is required (these dates will be provided prior to the start of Ally Training).

    • Allies must participate in the Cost of Poverty Experience (COPE) during their first year of serving as an ally. COPE is offered multiple times per year and the scheduled dates will be posted as they become available.

    • The Circle Matching process will occur after completion of Circle Leader Training and Ally Training.

Potential Circle Leaders go through a similar process of application, orientation, and training.

Circles Gainesville is excited to be a place of intentional friendships and mutual transformation!


Get Started

Contact Meghan Williams for more information or to begin the application process to become an Ally.